Sunday, February 24, 2013

Me, Food, Love

The tittle of my post should be more like, "Me Love Food." But no, it's a hint saying that this post will be about me. About my 2000 calorie dinner. And about a sappy love movie that I watched.

So hey, my second OFFICIAL post. I mean, How exciting? Right?

Well since we haven't really had the chance to get to know me I will start out with introducing myself.

My name is Angel and I am soon to be 18. I live in the sunny state of California. Yes, beautiful, wonderful, sunny California.

I think I will talk about how I came to be here later.

But, back to what I was saying... Oh yeah, I'm a 11th grader. I plan on graduating and going either to University of Oregon or Oregon State University to become a...well I really don't know yet.

Most of my interests are all on my profile, so I won't bore you with those...

Jesus! As I'm reading over this post I am realizing how boring I am!!! I am sorry... So very sorry.

So how about some more...maybe some...umm how about I just talk about the sappy love movie and my extremely fattening food? Ehh?

Well, my exchange student, Lucy, and I went to go and see "Warm Bodies." Which, as expected, was good. But, not for the reasons I thought.

See, I have always been the type of persons to go "blech" at love stories, Valentines Day, couples, and anything else lovey-dovey. So if I would have known   how this movie was going to really going to play out, I would have avoided it as I would have avoided the black plague.

I went expecting a comedy. Which, it did intern be one. But, with a little extra.

Sadly, I admit, I "aww"ed at many of the touching parts. In the end I was surprised I was actually able to enjoy it.

Then I came to realize it was a modern day Romeo and Juliet! It was perfect for me...Zombies + Comedy + Modern + A little bit of Love = My type of movie.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the fact that I really look up to the actors... I honestly can say that if I had to act all dead and grunt to the person next to me I couldn't keep a straight face.

Okay, now forget the movie. The best part of the night was my yummy, super unhealthy dinner.

I mean look at it...

I had a yummy Strawberry Banana Shake.
Lucy had a Chocolate Peanut Butter Shake.
And we shared a plate of pure "Americano" chili cheese fries.

So... I recommend "Warm Bodies" to everyone. It's fun for anyone. And to make the day complete: end with a nice fill-your-belly-to-the-max-with-so-many-unneeded-calories dinner.

Okay. So now I must say "farewell!"

P.S. Thank you for reading! I promise I will improve. :) Goodnight world!

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